Monday, December 31, 2007

More Snow - Still No Parking Provided For Residents

Oh Look, It's snowing AGAIN....

The crews that clear the snow must be wondering if this pace is going to continue all winter!
Come to think of it, their families must be asking the same thing.

Personally, since I've decided to park in the parking garage whenever it snows it's costing me a lot of extra cash. At $4.00 per day (opposed to the $2.00 it was before the city doubled their rates!) it adds up fast for someone on a small fixed income. There should be some way for the city to make this less of a burden on low income citizens as it's essentially a flat tax, which is inherently unfair to low income citizens if it isn't offset somehow. And for the residents of the Endicott who for some terrible reason aren't provided with any place to park by our landlord (CATCH) it's doubly troubling. For residents who are mostly low income Section 8 recipients it's truly unconscionable for an organization like CATCH to neglect this issue. In the 5+ years I've lived here the additional money I've had to spend for parking adds up to hundreds of dollars per year!

The extra cost isn't the only thing either. The daily threat of getting our cars towed is one more unnecessary burden we have to live with. To try to ease the cost, and because most of us just can't afford to pay to park in a metered spot every weekday, we park across the street in the parking lot for the strip mall on Storrs St. despite the signs warning that it's for store patrons only. I've been towed once and it cost me $150 to get my car back!

Take a minute and picture yourself having a small fixed income where every single dollar is budgeted. Then picture yourself having your car towed and held (for ransom) unless you can somehow come up with $150. Don't forget, they're also charging you a daily storage fee, so the longer it takes you to get the money (if you even can) the more it costs you. Imagine if you had to wait the better part of a month until you get some money again to be able to get your car back. How much is that going to be? Will you have enough left over to pay rent or buy groceries? What about getting to work, going to doctors appointments, or if you have kids?

These days unless you have someone you can borrow the money from you might be forced to go to a 'Payday Lender' and pay a huge interest rate (20%?) to get your car back.

Before I moved into the Endicott I sat down with the property manager from Hodges (our former management company) and when I asked about parking she indicated that 'they were in negotiations to try and procure parking for us'. That sounded hopeful, and because I'd already spent over a year on a waiting list I wasn't going to refuse the apartment!
Since that day (in addition to the property manager) I've contacted Dave Florence in the parking department, Allan Bennett who represents Ward 6, Matt Walsh, the city planner, and even the property manager (Heritage Realty in Mass.) for the strip mall to try to get us some parking, all to no avail.
Well, that's not entirely accurate. Dave Florence did offer Endicott residents first dibs on reserved parking in the new parking garage. In case you're wondering, the rates for leased spaces in the Capital Commons parking garage are "$1,344 per year for a covered space and $1,044 per year for an uncovered space". While that offer was better than nothing, personally if I could afford to pay that I wouldn't be on Section 8!

It's bad enough that this situation has existed as long as it has, but to let it continue to without some relief for people who already have more than enough to worry about will be callous and unnecessary. C'mon CATCH (and the city of Concord), please step up to the plate and put an end to this situation ASAP.

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